Compound Finance
Compound Mega Case Study
published on Feb 18, 2025

Acquired TVL
Markets deployed
Assets added
Feb 19, 2025

[WOOF!] General Compound weekly report | Feb 10 - Feb 14, 2025
Compound Migrator
Done 10-14 Feb
- Worked on AAVEv3 free collateral logic connection.
- Prepared the config for the data collection on Spark.
- Checked all the formulas and collected them in the document for QA.
- Started working on mobile and responsive layout.
- Resolved blockers on Aave and Spark in some scenarios on all networks except Ethereum.
- Run Fork test scenarios for AAVEv3 and Spark.
- Provided deployment for the networks left for AAVEv3, Spark.
To be done 17-21 Feb
- To complete AAVEv3 free collateral logic connection.
- To proceed with Сross-isolated logic implementation on Spark.
- To proceed with Free Collaterals logic implementation on Spark.
- Started Morpho logic Connection.
- To proceed with mobile and responsive layout.
- Run Fork test scenarios for Morpho.
- Unit tests - Full coverage with unit tests for Morpho, Spark, and AAVE V3.
- Mini contract to process the route with the intermediate tokens (Connectors).
- Scripts deployment: provide deployment for the networks left for Morpho.
Compound Frontend
Done 10-14 Feb
- Collaterals’ supply capitalization limit increasing voting feature.
- Updated the design and frontend Layout.
- Deployed the contract for left networks Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.
- Started applying the feature to the next networks: Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.
To be done 17-21 Feb
- Collaterals’ supply capitalization limit increasing voting feature.
- To test the feature on Mainnet.
- To test the feature on: Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.
- Common Bugfix.
- $BOBBY - Frontend for the automated yield optimizer vault.
- Time estimation.
- Design.
- To start with the Layout.
Done 10-14 Feb
- Deployed the test network environment.
- Prepare Oracle mock to influence the position price.
- Worked on wireframes.
- Continuing the development of updated comet
- Continuing the development of migrator
To be done 17-21 Feb
- Provide liquidator testing.
- Update WBS and time estimate.
- Describe interfaces for interaction between the contracts.
- Describe tasks for each contract.
- Config Controller - Finish changing collateral asset parameters.
- Sandbox Controller - finish whitelist base asset.
- Prepare wireframes.
Compound Grant
Done 10-14 Jan
- [network] Uni-Chain deployment [mainnet]
- [network] Ronin development [testnet]
- 24 collaterals - new governance fixes
To be done 17-21 Feb
- [network] Sonyc deployment
- [network] Ronin development [mainnet]
- [collateral] weETH on USDS Mainnet
- [collateral] weETH on USDT Mainnet
- [collateral] weETH on USDC Mainnet
- [collateral] SKY on USDC Mainnet
- [collateral] SKY on USDS Mainnet
- [collateral] SKY on USDS Mainnet
- [collateral] FBTC on USDC Mainnet
- [collateral] tBTC on USDT Arbitrum
- [collateral] tBTC on USDS Arbitrum
Feb 10, 2025

[WOOF!] Compound Weekly Report | Feb 3 - Feb 7, 2025
Compound Migrator
Done 03-07 Feb
- Completed AAVEv3 cross-isolated margin migration logic with the functionality of swap switching to the base token).
- Started AAVEv3 free collateral logic connection.
- Applied edits after the internal review and provided code refactoring.
- Fix conflicts in current tests regarding code edits.
- Set up Fork tests for AAVEv3 and Spark.
- New testing scenarios have been added.
- Started needed changes implementation (desktop and mobile).
To be done 10-14 Feb
Smart Contracts
- Resolv blockers on Aave and Spark in some scenarios on all networks except Ethereum.
- Run Fork test scenarios for AAVEv3 and Spark.
- Set up Fork tests for Morpho.
- Run Fork test scenarios for Morpho.
- Unit tests - Basic coverage with unit tests for Morpho.
- Unit tests - Full coverage with unit tests for Morpho, Spark, and AAVE V3.
- Scripts deployment
- Provide deployment for the networks left for AAVEv3, Spark.
- Provide deployment for the networks left for Spark and Morpho.
- Documentation - Create documentation for the front end on how to integrate Morpho.
- To finish Natspec.
- Mini contract to process the route with the intermediate tokens (Connectors).
- Proceed with AAVEv3 free collateral logic connection.
- Start Free Collaterals logic implementation on Spark.
- To implement UI changes.
- To check all Formulas and to collect them into the document for QA.
- To Start Morpho Connection.
- Bugfix.
- To complete changes implementation (desktop and mobile).
Compound Frontend
Done 03-07 Feb
- To Complete the Dune Dashboard creation for voting for collaterals’ supply capitalization limit increasing on the Mainnet.
- To collect one last vote per user per collateral for each market since the recent supply capitalization change to define his collateral has more votes.
- To deploy the contract for left networks Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.
- Started applying the feature to the next networks: Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.
Designed settings to hide positions with <$1 balance on the Dashboard (desktop and mobile).
To be done 10-14 Feb
- To test the feature for increasing the supply cap limit voting on Mainnet.
- To complete applying the feature to the next networks: Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.
UI and Web3 logic
- To implement sorting lend and borrow positions on the dashboard by balance value.
- To implement the hiding of the positions with <$1 balance on the Dashboard (desktop and mobile).
- To get the audit feedback from OZ on 10 Feb.
Compound Sandbox
Done 03-07 Feb
- New functionality of Curated Markets was added
- Smart contracts development was started
- Back-end development was started
- SDK and Liquidator development was started
Compound Grant
Done 03-07 Feb
- [network] Uni-chain development [testnet]
- [network] Ronin development [testnet]
- [market] USDS on Base
To be done 10-14 Feb
- [network] Uni-Chain deployment [mainnet]
- [collateral] weETH on USDS Mainnet
- [collateral] weETH on USDT Mainnet
- [network] Ronin development [testnet]
- [collateral] weETH on USDS Mainnet
- [collateral] SKY on USDS, USDT, USDC Mainnet
- [network] Sonyc deployment
- [collateral] FBTC on USDC Mainnet
- [collateral] tETH on WETH/wstETH Mainnet
- [network] Ronin development [mainnet]
Feb 03, 2025

[WOOF!] General Compound Weekly Report | Jan 27 - Jan 31, 2025
Compound Migrator
Done 27-31 Jan
- Completed AAVEv3 cross-isolated margin migration logic. (Except for the functionality of swap switching to the base token).
To be done 3-7 Feb
Smart Contracts
- Unit tests - Basic coverage with unit tests for Morpho.
- Unit tests - Full coverage with unit tests for Morpho, Spark, and AAVE V3.
- Fork tests - Develop tests for all 7 networks for each of the 3 protocols.
- Scripts deployment - Provide deployment for the left 6 networks.
- Documentation - Create documentation for the front end on how to integrate Morpho.
- To finish Natspec.
- Complete the functionality of swap switching to the base token.
- To connect AAVEv3 free collateral margin logic.
- Start Spark logic integration on the front end.
- Provide testing of the migration from AAVEv3 to the Compound.
Compound Frontend
Done 27-31 Jan
- Created the Dune Dashboard with the necessary fields, filters, and sorting to process data for voting on the Mainnet collaterals’ supply capitalization limit increasing.
To be done 3-7 Feb
- To test the feature for increasing the supply cap limit voting on Mainnet.
- To start applying the feature to the next networks: Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.
- To get the audit feedback from OZ on 10 Feb.
Compound Sandbox
Done 27-31 Jan
- Working on testing environment setup.
- Started creating the mock for PID Controller.
To be done 3-7 Feb
- To go ahead with the testing environment setup.
- Proceed to create the mock for the PID Controller.
- Definition of the scope and tasks for the next development direction:
- To define the complete scope of a Smart contract direction.
- Frontend.
- Backend.
Compound Grant
Done 27-31 Jan
- [collateral] superOETHB on WETH Base
- [network] Uni-chain development [testnet]
- [network] Ronin development [testnet]
To be done 03-07 Feb
- [network] Uni-chain development [testnet]
- [network] Uni-Chain deployment [mainnet]
- [network] Ronin development [testnet]
- [network] Ronin development [mainnet]
To push on-chain 03-07 Feb
- 24 collaterals Mainnet (1)
- 24 collaterals Mainnet (2) - Optionally.
- 24 collaterals Arbitrum
- 24 collaterals Base
- 24 collaterals Optimism
- 24 collaterals Polygon
- 24 collaterals Mantle
- 24 collaterals Scroll
- [network] Sonyc deployment
- [collateral] weETH on USDT, USDC Mainnet
- [collateral] SKY on USDS, USDT, USDC Mainnet
- [market] USDS on Base
- [collateral] FBTC on USDC Mainnet
- [collateral] tETH on WETH/wstETH Mainnet

Dmytriy Babenko
CTO & Co-founder

Pasha Bergman
CEO & Co-founder

Olha Bandura
Project Manager

Misha Shabodiash
Solidity Developer

Bogdan Bondar
Project Manager

Gleb Golian
Front-end Developer

Vitalii Kim
Solidity Developer
Victoria Kaminska
QA Engineer

Vladyslav SunDunChan
Solidity Developer

Maksym Sharko
Frontend Developer